How the US-India relationship will fare under Trump 2.0 | Akhil Ramesh
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with Akhil Ramesh of the Pacific Forum. They discuss a number of ways the US-India relationship may change under the new Trump administration, on immigration, trade, national security, how China figures into this, the essential unpredictability of the Trump administration, and more.
What the modern world can learn from the Dharmic capitalism of South India’s great kingdoms | Sriram Balasubramanian
In this episode we speak with economist Sriram Balasubramanian about his latest book Dharmanomics: An Indigenous and Sustainable Economic Model. We discuss what makes dharmic capitalism different from other regional varieties of capitalism, how this economic outlook extends back millennia to the kingdoms and empires of southern India and southeast asia, the role of temples in economic activity, the economic effects of the Kumbh Mela, and more.
When will Kashmiri Pandits be able to really return home? | Vijay Sazawal
In this episode Samir Kalra and Rajiv Pandit speak with author Vijay Sazawal about his new book The Kashmir Chronicles, discussing the history of the region, the ethnic cleansing of the Hindu community more than 30 years ago, the corruption in government in the state, the abrogation of the Article 370 and Delhi taking a direct role in governing the region, the largely positive aftermath of that and the changes that have occurred in Kashmir, and when might Kashmiri Pandits be able to return en masse.
Hindu At Heart: Practicing restorative justice in New York City public schools | Hemanth Venkataraman
In this episode, part of Indu Viswanathan’s Hindu at Heart series, she speaks with Hemanth Venkataraman, a New York City-based educator and restorative justice practitioner about his life growing up Hindu in New Jersey in the 1980s and 90s, his time teaching in the NYC public school system and co-founding the Unity Preparatory Charter School in Brooklyn, and how he moved on to consult with schools on implementing restorative justice with School Culture Solutions.
Equating Hindutva with any kind of Hindu supremacy is just nonsense | Vikram Sampath
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks with historian Vikram Sampath (author of the two volume definitive biography of Vinayak Damodar Savarkar) about the origins of Hindutva and misunderstandings about, its relevance for Hindus living outside of India, and more.
A conversation about Hindu parenting with psychologist Kavita Pallod Sekhsaria and Suhag Shukla
In this episode HAF Board Member psychologist Dr Kavita Pallod Sekhsaria and HAF Executive Director Suhag Shukla have a wide ranging discussion about parenting as Hindus, the book Bad Therapy, how we can raise resilient children, the differences in parenting across the generations, and more.
How Akṣarā is using the visual arts and design to pass on Indian culture | Jayanthi Moorthy
In this episode we’re speaking with Jayanthi Moorthy, founder of the arts education organization Akṣarā. We talk about the importance of the arts in transmitting Indian culture, the role museums have in this and the limitations they have, issues of cultural appropriation in events such as Color Runs, and how drawing the traditional South Indian art form of kolam has both mental and physical benefits.
Hindutva doesn’t start with Savarkar. It starts with the Bengali Renaissance. | Hindol Sengupta
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks with author Hindol Sengupta about the origins of Hindutva as a philosophical concept, its relationship to Hindu nationalism, the inclusiveness of Hindu thought, the future of the BJP, and the US-India relationship.
How the history of Hindutva and the RSS has been so misunderstood in the West | Walter Andersen
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks with author and analyst Walter K Andersen about misunderstandings about the history of Hindutva, the goals of the RSS, the role of Hindutva in the Indian diaspora, and what the recent Indian elections mean for the direction of the BJP.
All about the Third Nature: An expansive millennia-old Hindu framework for discussing gender and sexuality
In this episode HAF’s Raj Rao, Suhag Shukla, Vijay Satnarine, and Mat McDermott delve into how Hindu dharma traditions have, for millennia, have recognized a Third Nature in gender and sexuality, how this framework both overlaps with contemporary LGBTQ categories and how it is distinct, as well as some guidance on how Third Nature individuals and their families can act compassionately rooted in dharma when addressing these issues.
Educating Hindus about our heritage and the science behind our temples, one video and workshop at a time | Prem KV
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with filmmaker Prem Kumar about his documentary series on the sage Agastyamuni, his work educating Hindus about their heritage via his YouTube channel and in-person workshops.
Raja Choudhury tells us all about Swami Vivekananda, America’s First Guru
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with Raja Choudury, director of the film America’s First Guru, streaming now on PBS, which tells the story of Swami Vivekananda’s first trip to the United States and the effect it has continued to have more than a century later.
WATCH: America’s First Guru on PBS
Hindu at Heart: Sneha Rao, from aviation engineer to Hinduism scholar
In this episode in the Hindu At Heart series, Indu Viswanathan speaks with Sneha Rao about her journey from the aviation industry to studying Hinduism, yoga, and Hinduphobia, and starting the Hindu Decoloniality group on Facebook.
Watch: Hindu Lifestyle
If you want to develop a deeper Hindu Lifestyle, Shawn Binda has something to say about that
In this episode we speak with Shawn Binda, creator of the Hindu Lifestyle YouTube channel. We discuss his inspiration for starting the channel, his take on contemporary Hindu issues from his Indo-Caribbean Canadian perspective, and much more.
Watch: Hindu Lifestyle
What does the West get wrong about yoga? Far more than it gets right, say Shyam Ranganathan and Vijay Satnarine.
In this episode we have a moderated discussion about yoga, colonialism, attitudes about yoga that are coming out of the DEI space. Taking part in this discussion are HAF’s Vijay Satnarine and scholar Shyam Ranganathan, with Mat McDermott moderating.
Read more about Shyam Ranganathan https://www.yogaphilosophy.com/bio
Shyam’s latest book: Yoga-Anticolonial Philosophy
What’s the connection between NYC Mayor Eric Adams and Pakistan’s PTI party? MEF Action’s Benjamin Baird explains.
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with Benjamin Baird from MEF Action on his new reporting detailing the financial ties between NYC Mayor Eric Adams and the Islamist political party PTI, founded by former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan, including the funding Mayor Adams has received from PTI affiliated groups registered as foreign agents in the United States.
All about Anandi Joshee, the amazing 19th century Indian woman who become a doctor in the US
In this episode Suhag Shukla interviews author Nandini Patwardhan about her book Radical Spirits: India’s First Woman Doctor and her American Champions, a biography of Anandi-bai Joshee, who in 1883 as an 18-year old left Calcutta for the United States to study medicine, and who went on to become India’s first woman to earn a medical degree from an American college.
Hindu At Heart: Aditi Banerjee
In this episode, the first of our Hindu At Heart series of interviews, Indu Viswanathan speaks with author Aditi Banerjee on a wide range of issues: Hindu sacred geography in Ayodhya and Varanasi, growing up Hindu in America, and a variety of other topics.
Why is there zero representation of Indo-Caribbean Hindus in New York’s textbooks?
For this episode Mat McDermott has a conversation with Sandy Rao, Dr Vishnu Bisram, and Dr Indrani Ramprasad about the Indo-Carribean Hindu community, the lack of representation of the Caribbean Hindu diaspora in New York City school textbooks, the current situation for Hindus in Guyana and Trinidad, and more.
Australian filmmaker Ravi Chand’s latest film, Namaste Yoga, may leave you in tears
In this episode, Sheetal Shah speaks with Australian filmmaker Ravi Chand about his latest project, Namaste Yoga. Learn more about Ravi here: Warrior Tribe Films.
All about the rising antisemitism on college campuses in the past three months | Carly Gammill, StandWithUs
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with Carly Gammill, Director of the StandWithUs Center for Combating Antisemitism, about the marked increase in antisemitism expressed on US college campuses following the Hamas attack on Israeli of October 7th, and what can be done about this situation.
HAF Shop Talk: All about Ram Janmabhoomi
In this HAF Shop Talk episode, Samir Kalra, Mat McDermott, and Dr Vijay Satnarine have a wide ranging informal discussion of the history and archeology of the Ram Janmabhoomi site, media’s curious unwillingness to discuss the full history of the situation going back centuries, the capture of the discussion by Marxist historians, and more.
How can Hindu parents get their kids to love Indian culture? Prof. Pankaj Jain has some tips.
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with Professor Pankaj Jain. Pankaj has been on the show before speaking about his area of professional expertise, Hinduism, Jainism and ecology. But today we’re speaking about something he’s become particularly passionate about: parenting. Specifically how Hindu parents can help their children develop a love of Hindu and Indian culture.
Why Hindus should be paying attention to Hamas’ funding sources. Sam Westrop explains.
In this episode of That’s So Hindu, our 100th, Samir Kalra speaks with Middle East Forum’s Sam Westrop about their new report detailing how Hamas raises money through charitable organizations in the West, and the connections with funding for Islamist groups in India and South Asia more broadly.
Wrongly accused of caste discrimination by California, Sundar Iyer tells us what really happened
In this must-listen episode, Samir Kalra speaks with Sundar Iyer, one of the Cisco employees wrongly accused of caste discrimination by California’s Civil Rights Department. Sundar gives us the background of what really happened on his team that led to the lawsuit, what the CRD chose to overlook that didn’t support its case, and how it all upended his life, before the case was dismissed against him.
Sanjay Lazar, orphaned by the 1985 Air India bombing, tells his story – Part 2
In the second part of this two-part episode, Suhag Shukla speaks with Sanjay Lazar who lost his entire family in the Air India Flight 182 bombing and was literally orphaned while still a child. This is the story of his life beyond the tragedy of the worst terrorist act in aviation history until 9/11.
Pre-order the first part of Sanjay’s book series on his experience “On Angel’s Wings” here.
Sanjay Lazar, orphaned by the 1985 Air India bombing, tells his story – Part 1
In the first part of this two-part episode, Suhag Shukla speaks with Sanjay Lazar who lost his entire family in the Air India Flight 182 bombing and was literally orphaned while still a child. This is the story of his life beyond the tragedy of the worst terrorist act in aviation history until 9/11.
Pre-order the first part of Sanjay’s book series on his experience “On Angel’s Wings” here.
Hindu by Heart: Coerced into Islam, Seeking Freedom – Part 2
For this special two-part episode we’ve got something a little bit different. This time, Dr indu Viswanathan, who’s been a guest on the show twice, is on the other side of the interviewing equation. She’s speaking with a young Hindu man, who has a unique and important story to tell. Keshav was raised Hindu and began questing his beliefs, to the point that he converted to Islam and began publicly making stereotypical Hinduphobic comments and denouncing India. But Keshav had a change of heart and mind, and came back to Hinduism — only to receive threats for leaving Islam. At his request, we’re calling him by the pseudonym ‘Keshav’ and disguising his voice.
Hindu by Heart: Coerced into Islam, Seeking Freedom – Part 1
For this special two-part episode we’ve got something a little bit different. This time, Dr indu Viswanathan, who’s been a guest on the show twice, is on the other side of the interviewing equation. She’s speaking with a young Hindu man, who has a unique and important story to tell. Keshav was raised Hindu and began questing his beliefs, to the point that he converted to Islam and began publicly making stereotypical Hinduphobic comments and denouncing India. But Keshav had a change of heart and mind, and came back to Hinduism — only to receive threats for leaving Islam. At his request, we’re calling him by the pseudonym ‘Keshav’ and disguising his voice.
How do Hindu Americans celebrate Navaratri?
For this episode we have something a bit different for you. It’s a special episode for Navaratri. We’ve interviewed several members of our extended HAF team as well as members of the Hindu American community about how they celebrate Navaratri today, what they remember about the holiday growing up, and how their understanding of it has changed over the years. What you’ll hear are excepts from longer interviews our staff writer Syama Allard did with each person.
What is Critical Caste Theory and why it’s a “dubious discourse” | Akshar from The Emissary
In this episode we speak with Akshar from The Emissary about an article he published earlier this year about Critical Caste Theory, as well as the activists who view Hinduism, Hindu culture, and India’s history and contemporary society through this very narrow lens.
How for Hindus the natural world is more than sacred, its embodied Divinity itself | Prof. David Haberman
In this episode we speak with Prof. David Haberman from Indiana University about his extensive work documenting how Hindus bring trees, stones, and mountains into their religious worship.
There are definite parallels between growing antisemitism and rising Hinduphobia | Sarah Stern
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with Sarah Stern, the founder and president of the Endowment for Middle East Truth, a think tank and policy institute based in Washington DC.
On bringing the life and legacy of Swami Vivekananda to the cinema | Nico Oscoff
In this episode we’re speaking with film director Nico Oscoff on his latest project 1893: Year of the Yogi, a documentary currently planned to be released in 2024.
Here’s why it’s adharmic to lose money | Easan Katir
In this episode we’re again speaking with HAF’s own Easan Katir on the topic of dharmic investing, with a focus this time on why it’s adharmic to lose money.
How everything isn’t as it seemed in the BAPS and Cisco caste discrimination allegations | Suhag Shukla & Samir Kalra
In this special episode Mat McDermott moderates a discussion between HAF Co-Founder Suhag Shukla and Managing Director Samir Kalra about the latest revelations in the case of alleged caste discrimination at the BAPS temple in Robbinsville, New Jersey, and how the connect to the similar allegations as Cisco Systems in California.
Please note: The audio quality on this one isn’t quite up to our usual standards as the That’s So Hindu recording studio is in the midst of being moved to another location. But we felt like this one couldn’t wait so proceeded anyway.
The US-India relationship has been a success in so many ways | David Santoro, The Pacific Forum
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with David Santoro, President and CEO of the Pacific Forum, a non-profit foreign policy research institute based in Hawaii. They discuss the state of the India-US relationship, the positive changes he’s seen in India in recent years, and much more. Learn more at: https://pacforum.org and follow David Santoro on Twitter here: @DavidSantoro1.
Preserving dharma by restoring one ancient temple at a time | Behind Every Temple
In this episode we speak with the founders of Arizona-based nonprofit Behind Every Temple about the work they are doing to restore ancient Hindu temples in India.
We should be very wary of people who tell us there is only one way to be Hindu | Brahmachari Vrajvihari Sharan
In this episode we speak with Georgetown University’s Brahmachari Vrajvihari Sharan about the tension between the internal diversity and pluralistic outlook of Hinduism and both the trend and sometimes need to present Hinduism as one thing to the non-Hindu world.
How Hinduphobia has been constructed and unleashed from the West | Prof Lavanya Vemsani
In this episode we’re speaking with Lavanya Vemsani, professor of history at Shawnee State University in Ohio, specializing in Indian history and religion. Her latest paper in the International Review of Modern Sociology is titled “Global Hinduphobia: Construed, Constructed, and Unleashed from the West” and that’s what we’re going to talk: Hinduphobia, the fallacy of Aryan Invasion Theory, and how to revamp the study of Hinduism so that a more accurate picture of Hinduisms past and present can glimpsed.
The connections between advaita vedanta and ecology are, well, deep | Prof. Jeffery D Long
In this episode we’re speaking with Professor Jeffery D Long, who teaches religion and Asian studies at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania. This his second time on the show. And today we’re discussing a recent paper he’s written on the connections between deep ecology and advaita vedanta.
Read more: Advaita Vedanta and Its Implications for Deep Ecology
TEASER: All about All About Hinduism
HAF has another podcast launching soon!
Do you want to know more about Hinduism? Like actually understand what karma is? Or what dharma means? Do you want to know what the sacred texts of Hinduism are? Or, maybe, you just want to know why Hindu women wear a dot on their forehead? Or, perhaps, if all Hindus vegetarian?
If so, then All About Hinduism is just what you’ve been waiting for.
We’ll give you an overview of Hinduism as a lived and contemporary spiritual path. We’ll explore the history of how Hinduism has come to be what it is today: the third-largest and oldest religious tradition in the world. We’ll also clear up some of the misconceptions out there about Hinduism,as well as unflinchingly address some of the more contentious issues in Hinduism’s past and present.
How a former Pentecostal Christian preacher and missionary in India first lost his religion and then embraced Hinduism | Andrew Jasko
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks with Andrew Jasko. Andrew was born into a minister’s family and became a preacher and missionary to India, after studying theology at Wheaton College and Princeton Seminary. After finding healing through practices like meditation, psychedelics, and breathwork, that introduced him to profound mystical experiences for the first time, he embraced Hinduism.
If American diplomacy is to succeed, we need to rethink our posture towards India | Dr Michael Rubin
In this episode, Samir Kalra speaks with Dr Michael Rubin, from the American Enterprise Institute, about his recent trip to Kashmir and what he learned from speaking with Kashmiris about life after Article 370, as well what is needed to improve US diplomacy in the region.
‘Unshackled’ demystifies immigration & gives you more control over your future in the US | Soundarya Balasubramani & Sameer Khedakar
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with Soundarya Balasubramani and Sameer Khedakar, co-authors of “Unshackled”, a practical guide for immigrants in the US to become entrepreneurs, solopreneurs, or just have more creative autonomy over their careers.
Most people in the West have no idea how dangerous the Khalistanis actually are | Puneet Sahani
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with Puneet Sahani, coordinator of Sikhs for Enlightenment Association, a volunteer effort of Sikh researchers across the world, who are pushing back against Khalistani propaganda.
That’s So Hindu is available to listen to on several leading podcast platforms. So pick your favorite and have a listen today:
About the Show
That’s So Hindu interviews entrepreneurs and activists, politicians and professors, journalists, entertainers, spiritual teachers, and more on how Hinduism shapes their work and lives. All American. So Hindu.
From one hour a week to your entire week, there’s room for everyone to participate in politics | Sen. Niraj Antani (R-OH)
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with Ohio state senator Niraj Antani about his career in politics, from being the youngest person elected as a state representative in Ohio, the only Hindu elected, to now being a state senator.
The US-India relationship could take off like a rocket ship | Akhil Ramesh
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with Akhil Ramesh, research fellow at Pacific Forum International. They discuss the current state of the US-India relationship, where it could be headed, the challenges that relationship faces, as well as some of the challenges the Indian diaspora faces due to skewed perspectives on current Indian politics.
How an immigrant student with $250 in her pocket & 2 suitcases went on to be the first Hindu woman in Michigan’s legislature | Rep. Padma Kuppa
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with Michigan State Representative Padma Kuppa, who serves the 41st House District. Padma is an engineer by training, who also served on HAF’s Board of Director for a number of years, before turning to politics. We talk about how she decided to focus on elected office, the connections between her Hindu faith and public service, the attacks she’s faced based on her Hindu identity, and some of the more contentious public policy issues we’ve faced in the past month.
How herons can help us make better financial decisions | Easan Katir
In this episode we’re bringing back HAF’s very own California Advocacy Director Easan Katir, who, doesn’t just do Hindu advocacy work, but rather since 1983 has provided wealth management for families, individuals, and retirement plans. Last time we spoke about Dharmic Investing in general. Today we’re talking about the current state of the financial markets, how to weather them, which sectors are doing well, and how to think about wealth management through the lens of dharma.
There’s no such thing as Indian food. The cuisine is far more complex than that. | Chef Keith Sarasin
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks with Keith Sarasin. Keith is a chef, three-time author, restauranteur, and public speaker who grew up in a small city in New Hampshire. Keith learned to cook Indian cuisine studying with a home cook, and went onto study with archeologists and food historians from across India. Keith currently runs Aatma, a pop-up tasting experience showcasing food from the Indian subcontinent.
Feeding 100,000 people on Thanksgiving, and helping people discover their personal story | Dr Varun Gandhi
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with Dr Varun Gandhi, who describes himself as a life orchestrator, soulpreneur, an angel investor, philanthropist, and last but not least a water doctor.
HAF Executive Director Suhag Shukla’s full interview with NPR on caste discrimination in the US
On Monday, May 2, 2022, National Public Radio’s Morning Edition ran a story titled, “Some South Asian Americans Believe Caste-based Prejudices exist in the US.” HAF Executive Director Suhag Shukla was interviewed for the story and spoke to the reporter for over half an hour. The topic is extremely complex and the unintended consequences serious for millions of Americans of South Asian origin. We’d like to offer listeners the interview in its entirety since only a few seconds were selected for the broadcast, which resulted in the telling of a story that in our view is incomplete.
After 30 years the Kashmiri Pandit story is finally been told on film | Rajiv Pandit and Sidhi Raina react to ‘The Kashmir Files’
In this episode, Deepali Kulkarni speaks to Dr Rajiv Pandit and Sidhi Raina about their reaction to seeing The Kashmir Files, the challenges in speaking up about the ethnic cleansing that the indigenous Hindus of Kashmir faced 30 years ago — including social media and real world professional harassment and doxing — and what they want to the world know about the Kashmiri Pandit Exodus.
All about Marma Therapy | Vira Tansey
In this one Mat McDermott speaks with Vira Tansey, an Ayurvedic healer and educator based in Florida about the practice of Marma therapy, how to use energetic pressure points in the body to heal, reduce tension, and live a more balanced life.
Banned on Twitter for spreading the truth about Hindu persecution in Bangladesh | Stories of Bengali Hindus
In this episode Deepali Kulkarni speaks with Soumyadip and Mohua from Stories of Bengali Hindus about the attacks the Hindu population in Bangladesh faced during Durga Puja 2021, getting banned on Twitter for sharing the truth about these attacks, and the legacy of the 1971 Bengali Hindu genocide, when some 3 million Bangladeshis, mostly Hindus, were killed.
Why do colonial-era errors about Hinduism persist, even among anti-colonial activists and academia? | Indu Viswanathan & Suhag Shukla
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with Dr Indu Viswanathan and HAF executive director Suhag Shukla. They discuss the curious phenomenon of how stereotypes and misperceptions about Hindus and Hinduism that have their roots in colonial-era scholarship and thinking still get repeated today to negatively portray Hinduism, ironically too often by activists who are themselves anti-colonial in outlook.
Where is the Khalistan movement today | Terry Milewski
In this episode Samir Kalra speaks with retired CBC journalist and author Terry Milewski about his book Blood for Blood: 50 Years of the Global Khalistan Project, going into the history of and present day activities of the movement for an independent Sikh nation of Khalistan, the horrific violence associated with it, and how that movement continues on to this day with the backing of Pakistan and, by extension, China.
Until the horrors of Kashmir’s ethnic cleansing are owned up to, communal harmony won’t return: Part Two | Vijay Sazawal
In this second part of Deepali Kulkarni’s talk with Vijay Sazawal, international coordinator for the Indo-American Kashmir Forum, and a senior member of the Kashmir Overseas Association, they discuss the most recent violence in Kashmir, the reality of the situation for Kashmiri Hindus today, as well as some more context on the Exodus.
Until the horrors of Kashmir’s ethnic cleansing are owned up to, communal harmony won’t return: Part One | Vijay Sazawal
In this episode Deepali Kulkarni speaks with Vijay Sazawal, international coordinator for the Indo-American Kashmir Forum, and a senior member of the Kashmir Overseas Association. They have a wide-ranging discussion on the history of Kashmir’s accession to India in 1947, first-hand accounts of the ethnic cleansing of Hindus that happened in Kashmir 30 years ago, and what comes next for the region.
How yoga helped me survive two days lost in a frigid wilderness | Jolly Yogi Bose
In this episode Sheetal Shah speaks with Jolly Yogi Bose, who recently had to put her yoga training to the test after getting lost and separated from her partners on a hike in the Sierra National Forest. Jolly explains how she stayed warm and focused through the frigid ordeal though yogic breathing and meditation exercises and was ultimately rescued.
We’ve forgotten that Hindu teachings have given trans people a status equal to other genders | Anjali Rimi
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks with Anjali Rimi, a South Asian, Hindu, Canadian-American woman of trans experience, based in the Bay Area. Anjali is the president and co-founder of Parivar Bay Area, America’s only trans-led, trans-centering queer organization. Parivar Bay Area focuses on centering trans-equity and economic justice within the Indian and South Asian diaspora.
After one week of violence, 335 Hindu temples vandalized across 33 districts in Bangladesh, with 7 Hindu priests killed
In this episode Deepali Kulkarni gets a report from one of HAF’s contacts in Bangladesh on the attacks directed and Hindus and Hindu temples in the past week, stemming from a social media post on Durga Puja. NOTE: This episode contains graphic recounting of physical and sexual violence experienced by Hindus in Bangladesh.
75 years after being published Autobiography of a Yogi still has something to teach us | Phil Goldberg
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with author Phil Goldberg about the importance and legacy of Paramahamsa Yogananda’s Autobiography of Yogi, on its 75th anniversary of publication.
HAF Shop Talk: Suhag Shukla and Samir Kalra discuss Dismantling Global Hindutva + investigating Univ. of Pennsylvania violations of Hindu students’ rights
In this episode Mat McDermott talks with HAF executive director Suhag Shukla and HAF managing director Samir Kalra about last month’s Dismantling Global Hindutva conference, Hinduphobia in academia, and why HAF has filed a Title VI complaint with the Office of Civil Rights against University of Pennsylvania.
Tibetan people have been enduring unspeakable suffering under the illegal occupation by China | Tashi Dhondup
In this episode Deepali Kulkarni speaks with Tashi Dhondup. Tashi is Secretary of the Office of Tibet in Washington DC — a senior member of the Tibetan Government in Exile, now called the Central Tibetan Authority. They discuss the challenges facing the Tibetan people living under Chinese occupation, the CTA’s Middle Way approach in dealing with the government of China, and what the international community can do to help the Tibetan people.
The humanities keeps talking about Hindus without including our voices | Dr. Indu Viswanathan
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks with Dr. Indu Viswanathan. They talk about the conference on Hinduphobia she helped organize at Rutgers University, the problems with controversial upcoming Dismantling Global Hindutva conference, and how Hindu practices and Hindus continue to be misunderstood by Western academia and researchers.
All about the 8 year-old Hindu boy charged with blasphemy in Pakistan + recent attacks on Hindu temples
In this episode HAF Human Rights Director Deepali Kulkarni speaks with a Pakistani Hindu leader, who for his safety wishes to remain anonymous, about the latest attacks on Hindu temples and Hindus in Pakistan, and what’s going on with the young Hindu boy charged with blasphemy.
Why are Indian South Africans being attacked? Part 2 | Yashika Singh
In this episode HAF Human Rights Director Deepali Kulkarni continues her exploration of the history of why Indian South Africans have been targeted in recent violence, speaking with South African Hindu community leader Yashika Singh.
Why are Indian South Africans being attacked? Part 1 | Lux Maharaj
In this episode HAF Human Rights Director Deepali Kulkarni speaks with South African Hindu community leader Lux Maharaj. They discuss the history of Indians in South Africa, and Africa more broadly, what led up to the looting and violence directed at South African Indians in the past few weeks, and what the Indian community there may be facing in the future.
Religious Freedom in Bangladesh 1971-2021: From Genocide to Today
This weeks show is the audio version of a side event HAF held at the International Religious Freedom summit, held in Washington DC last week. The focus of the panel is the 1971 Bengali Hindu Genocide and the ongoing challenges of the Hindu population in Bangladesh.
Through chanting mantra we awaken our heart to connect to the Divine heart | Jai Uttal
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with Grammy-nominated musician, multi-instrumentalist, and world music pioneer Jai Uttal. They discuss Jai’s path through sacred chanting, the evolution of the Western kirtan scene over the past several decade, and the line that separates cultural appropriation and cultural appreciation.
To really focus, we have to train our minds and then practice what we’ve learned | Dandapani
In this episode Mat McDermott speaks with Dandapani, a former Hindu monk turned international speaker. They discuss the retreat center and botanical garden he’s founded, how we can learn to better focus our minds, Hindu practices for dealing with crisis, and the importance of employing reason on our spiritual journeys.
Pakistani terrorism doesn’t just kill Indians, it kills Americans too | Dr Michael Rubin
In this episode, a rebroadcast of a recent HAF webinar, Samir Kalra speaks with Dr Michael Rubin, from the American Enterprise Institute, on contemporary politics in Pakistan and the region, the nation’s support for terrorism, and how this affects the United States.
The study of caste has given a false foundation to Indian culture | Dr Prakash Shah
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks Dr Prakash Shah (Queen Mary, University of London). They discuss the Western conceptions of caste in India, the complexity of adding caste discrimination to law in both the UK and the US, and much more.
Homophobia in India is a homophobia of ignorance | Ankit Bhuptani
In this episode Suhag Shukla speaks with Ankit Bhuptani, the chairman and founder of the Queer Hindu Alliance in Mumbai, India. They speak about being gay in India, the state of homophobia there, how the LGBT+ community is treated by both major political parties in India and much more.
If you don’t have Hindu representation on your college campus, create it for yourself | Shreya Mahasenan
In this episode Sheetal Shah speaks with Shreya Mahasenan, a junior at McGill University, in Montreal, Canada. Shreya founded the McGill Dharma Society, when she realized there was no Hindu representation for students.
No country is perfect: We’re working towards a more perfect union in the US and so is India | State Rep. Padma Kuppa (D-MI)
In this episode Taniel Koushakjian speaks with Michigan state representative (and former HAF board member) Padma Kuppa. They discuss Rep. Kuppa’s journey from being an engineer to the first Indian American elected to the Michigan legislature, her passion for environmental advocacy, and her newly introduced legislation recognizing Diwali, Vaisakhi, Lunar New Year, and Eid in Michigan.