If you didn’t get a chance to see our webinar with Divya Alter, you can watch it in its entirety here. You’ll learn her steamed artichoke recipe along with the health benefits of the ingredients she mentioned.
This webinar was sponsored by Banyan Botanicals, an Ayurvedic wellness company committed to offering high quality, sustainably sourced, fairly traded herbs, cooking supplies and lifestyle products. Their website is full of free educational content including health guides, recipes, free dosha quiz, and more. They are offering 15% off all spices and meal products to the HAF community at BanyanBotanicals.com/HAF.
Find more of Divya’s recipes
Visit Divya’s Kitchen in NYC
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@divyaskitchennyc @divyaalter @bvtlife
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Check out the stores where Diyva purchases ingredients
www.pureindianfoods.com and www.chandika.com